Is it possible to bypass Certificate Pinning?

Bypassing certificate pinning in a mobile app can be achieved with the use of Instrumentation frameworks like Frida and Xposed.

Yes, if you control both the network channel and the end user device. Certificate pinning is a security feature  designed to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks by ensuring that a mobile app only communicates with a server using a predefined and trusted SSL certificate. Bypassing certificate pinning in a mobile app involves circumventing security mechanisms put in place to ensure that the app only communicates with trusted servers whose SSL certificates have been "pinned" in the app's code. You can learn more in the article Bypassing Certificate Pinning.

Tools like Frida and Xposed are often employed by security researchers and hackers to manipulate the behavior of Android applications. These frameworks allow for dynamic analysis and modification of an app's code at runtime. Using Frida, for instance, it is possible to intercept and modify the SSL certificate checks in an Android app, essentially tricking the app into trusting a certificate other than the pinned one.

Dynamic Analysis: Tools like Frida and Xposed can be used to perform dynamic analysis of Android applications. Unlike static analysis, which involves examining an app's code without executing it, dynamic analysis involves studying the app while it's running, exposing any security flaws that may be exploited by malicious actors.

Code Inspection: By inspecting an app's code as it runs, malicious actors can gain  insights into an app's logic and internal mechanisms such as improper data handling, insecure communication, or weak encryption methods.

SSL Certificate Bypass: By intercepting and modifying SSL certificate checks an attacker can intercept and manipulate encrypted data, effectively tricking an app into accepting a different SSL certificate than the one it expects.